The Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Thrive Spiritually


Part 1:  Making it a part of their environment

When our children start to move into their preschool years, many of us start thinking about the things our child will need to know as they become school age.  If we want them to learn to read and succeed in school, we start looking for ways to introduce them to the alphabet and the sounds that the letters make.  We get tips from other parents about resources they use. We copy other parent’s educational projects to encourage the children to learn.  It seems natural enough for us to just make learning a part of our child’s environment.

The same principles we use for acclimating our children to learning the alphabet are the same we use to help them thrive spiritually.  We find ways to incorporate our spiritual life into our child’s environment.  We won’t be perfect at it because there are no perfect people. But little by little, we ask God for wisdom and help to guide us in introducing them to Him.  There are songs to sing about Him, stories to read about Jesus and everywhere around us there is evidence that God is at work.  We can help them to spot these things and help their spiritual development to become part of their everyday environment. It’s what they were created for.  We can help our children thrive spiritually. It’s as easy as the ABC’s!

We weren’t meant to do it alone though.  God made us to need each other and support each other as together we seek Him for our children’s spiritual development.  I love to hear from other mommas about what tools they’re using to help their children thrive. (I even steal their ideas sometimes!  It’s what all good teacher’s do.)  What ideas can I steal from you this week about helping a child to develop spiritually?

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